
Sunday, March 26, 2017

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OneNote: OneNote Ultimate User Guide to Getting Things Done (Setup OneNote for GTD (2015) in 5 Savvy Steps)

Editorial Reviews
"This will be the only OneNote user guide you will need to navigate your way through this powerful productivity tool. With the help of Jack I've been able to finally improve my efficiency and effectiveness while lowering stress levels and just feeling better overall. My colleagues, wife and children have noticed a remarkable change in my behavior and I feel great from just applying this one simple discipline outlined in the book." - Jonathan DePont, Investment Director, Barclays Capital

"Jack has compiled a tremendously easy to follow guide that has been paired with the founding principles from the GTD system. Filled with easy step by step instructions to setting up OneNote and detailed explanations for the different features offered in OneNote all is covered from beginner to advanced, technologically illiterate to computer master guru" - Melanie Lock, CFO, Productivity Gateway
About the Author
Jack Ecko is a Rhodes scholar graduate of Stanford holding degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. Following graduation he joined IBM as a software and electrical engineer where he worked for 21 years before setting out on his own as a technological software consultant. When Jack isn't providing strategic advice to Fortune 1000 companies seeking to streamline their software needs and technological gadgets he is found guest posting on multiple tech websites on the newest and greatest releases on the market. Jack is a self-proclaimed strategic consultant by day and tech geek by night coining himself Techman as he dons his cape at night, he unleashes his love, vigor and obsession for all things technology into his home life to create an even more efficient and productive home environment (sometimes to the dismay of his wife). Jack has endeavored to venture out of his comfort zone by sharing his technological knowledge with the world through informative guides accessible to any user ranging from the technologically 'illiterate' to the C++ Grandmasters.


OneNote: OneNote Ultimate User Guide to Getting Things Done (Setup OneNote for GTD (2015) in 5 Savvy Steps)

Jack Ecko is great in this one where he coaches and let’s you know that you too can do this and that the things in your mind will make clutter that keeps limited.
The app Jack Ecko introduces you too will help with so many other areas of your life and you will find that you
Not being organized is one of my pet peeves to me and even though I spend a majority of my time at my desk at home I still like to finish my day with knowing I have finished to today’s task.

get more done.

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