
Friday, January 26, 2018

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BAE: Good Health in all ways

We have two Doctors in our family and one is a Dentist and she has always tried to tell us about the importance of good dental health. Yes, we all don’t want that seat in that chair but we must remember that keeping the mouth care for as much as the rest of our bodies is key to staying healthy.

The SOCU Sonicare toothbrush is the right start for starting the process. You get 20 replacement brush heads for your Philips Sonicare that are clickable changing. With changing every month you help with controlling gingivitis and promote better health for yourself.

These SOCU Sonicare Premium brush heads will fit a variety of electric toothbrush heads like. Sonicare for Kids, Essence, 2 Series but check the listing before buying. 

#SOCU, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #beautypersonalcare, #oralcare, #toothbrushes, #toothbrushreplacementheads

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