
Saturday, January 20, 2018

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BAE: These bags hold and work for in the store to the car #whozzu

Have you ever gotten almost in the house and the bags just break and everything is now on the floor either broken or just on the floor with a new clean job for you? Yes, I have a few times or more in my life.

We have had this to happen but leave that behind and don’t think about it again just know that these eco-friendly bags. Clean up easily on the inside and out.

Why I like these
Insulated bag

Can handle either hot or cold

Lifetime warranty

Each bag can come apart or stay together

Washes off easily

The colors allow you to know what kind of items you have inside like meats, bread, eggs
STRONG and can handle those large bundles.

#whozzu, #homekitchen, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #kitchendining, #storage, #Organization, #storageorganization, #travel, #togofoodcontainers, #traveltogofoodcontainers

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