
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

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BAE :Organization is key to keeping things right

We are a multiply generational home and keeping things in the right place are important for us to all have our space inside of the home.

The Vremi expandable under the sink organization has two shelves and can expand to 20 inches or to its full length 30 inches and hold items up to 15 inches height. You adjust the shelve to what works for your in the sink storage area.

The Vremi shelving in our home is under our kitchen sink and works at 11 inches high and can hold a large can of cleaner and various other items. I chose this height because of the plumbing and this was the length that works to hold items on the bottom. With this arrangement it allows me to use the top shelf for other taller items that would not fit at the bottom.

Follow directions and things are great. This is a simple click, click and click and everything is good. Nothing like knowing that when you open the doors things can be found without the famous words of  "Where is the…?" now that is one last thing to worry about in the home.

#vremi, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #homekitchen, #kitchendining, #homebrewingwinemaking

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