
Sunday, December 2, 2018

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BAE: Supporting and working

Got this a little larger for me to be able to take off easier but let me just say that I like the idea and it works for sweating.

For me, I wear this when doing yoga and like the fact that I can wear/use when doing the exercise. Summertime is coming and any help that I get in supporting the middle of my body as I am trying to better.

About the Product:
•Material: 70% Neoprene, 15% Polyester and 15% Nylon. Heat up your core body area and then burn excess calories in your body by retaining body heat. Promote weight loss by preserving body heat and stimulating sweat during exercise without any discomfort.

·       PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS - Made with smart heating latex-free Neoprene that increase body temperature wherever it makes contact with the skin, stimulates sweat by up to 3 times with physical activity to help speeding up the calorie burning process and reducing body fat.

·       ACHIEVE NATURE SHAPE - Firmed and flatten tummy, slims, trims and smooths your waistline and eliminate unsightly back rolls, muffin top and other bulges instantly without squeezing or causing discomfort.

·       •MAXIMIZES FITNESS ROUTINES - Material wicks sweat, circulates air in your body to stay dry on the outside, keeping you fresh and cool while retaining body heat to perform longer and you won't feel over exhausted. Achieving your fitness goals faster with significantly less effort!

#timsophia, #drnanannybordeaux, #sportsoutdoors, #sportsfitness, #exercisefitness, #accessories,

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