
Monday, March 19, 2018

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BAE :Don’t see it but know it

As I get more and more information and study my yoga I understand more and more about negative ions and how they affect the body, mind and spirit.

Wearing the EMF Protection bracelet you only see it a little bit at a time. I have told the story that I suffer with balance and many times aches all around my body especially my knees and arms.

Along with waterfall or rain during my sleeping time I have noticed that sleep is better. I am not promotioning or saying that this is the cure all of cure all but it helps. My knees are a source of problems for me daily. Yes, I believe in the power of sounds and how it helps the body, Yes, I believe in the power of negative energy and most of all balance. Balance on the inside and out.

Studying, knowing and understanding the energy is key to knowing if this works for you. Seeing that I am still studying and learning I must say, “it is working for me”. 

As with anything if you have a concern please check with your health care professional.

#QuanThor, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #clothingshoesjewelry, #noveltymore, #jewelry, #braclets

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