
Monday, March 19, 2018

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BAE: Sounds keep my sleeping and better

At nighttime when I go to sleep some other sound wakes me up. This is one of my new battle in staying sleep.

Dreamegg has a timer on the side right after the last sound that can do 15, 30 and 60 minutes timer. I don’t use this function but it is there for those who want it. I let it run all night long until I away. My favorite sound it the rain, nothing like sleeping in the rain.  It has other sounds like Include Fan, White Noise, Ocean, Rain, Summer Night and Lullaby, Lullaby is perfect for baby nurseries, these a night sounds for you to choose.

For I place this into the wall charger and attach the cable to the machine where it stays charged until I turn it off in the morning. Each night I sleep with a CPAP machine so that keeps me down to really get a good nights sleep I include this for better sleeping. I don’t suffer from Tinniuts but I have a Schwannoma and many times find my balance to be a problem once I awake since using the machine my in balance is better or the same, not claiming it is fix but better.

#dreamegg, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #healthhousehold, #healthcare, #alternativemedicine, #soundtheraphy

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