
Sunday, May 20, 2018

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BAE: Relief is everything #kemier

Kemier deep tissue massager does not look like it would work. At first, I thought the device was too small and could not get deep down to the area it needs to.

The design of the handle on this Physio deep tissue massager lets you hold it your hand with comfort. When you turn it on low you feel the power of the device getting down deep and increasing the blood flow.

Increasing blood flow to an area is key to feeling better and getting that much-needed relief. The tips on the Physio deep tissue massager does just that goes deep in the pain, knots and start the process, the pressure is nice no push down it goes deep enough. Has three speeds and works on ANY part of the body to give you relief.

#kemier, #DrNaNannyBordeaux, #healthhousehold, #wellnessrelaxation, #massagetoolsequipment, #electricmassagers

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