
Saturday, May 19, 2018

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BAE: Working on the eye area #eraorganics

Under the eyes is a very sensitive area of the face to me and I like using very organic products. They work and nothing to worry about, this Rejuvenating eye cream works on those areas.

Around my eyes going into the center of the face I have darkness, not the total eye area, so finding a product that is all natural and pure lets me place it into that area of my face. The cream just glides onto the skin, with no burning or worries. It takes time to make sure things are refreshed for a better-looking face with a great look as I age.

#eraorganics, #drnanannybordeaux, #beautypersonalcare, #skincare, #eyes, #creams, #cream, #yes, #eyes, #dark, #ingredients, #circles, #morning, #smell, #difference, #face, #bed, #bags, #greasy, #jar, #puffiness, #organics, #oily, #organic

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